Unexpected maintenance and property damage from water pipes are among the scariest problems facing hotel owners and managers. Current methods for trying to fix pipes or alleviate water pipe problems can involve extensive labor periods and costs, on top of which walls and floors are broken into or torn up, resulting in downtime and lost revenue.
Using pipe lining to coat the interior of corroded pipes not only further reduces pipe diameters - and thus thermal efficiency - it also uses potentially toxic chemicals (bisphenol) that are banned in some countries. The lifespan of the lining is limited, has a risk of peeling, and pipe lining can be a breeding ground for bacteria and biofilm.
IOREX Solutions
IOREX is a multi-benefit, one-time, quick installation and requires no maintenance or electricity to operate that is proven effective for at least 20 years.
IOREX provides:
Prevents and removes rust, scale, slime, and biofilm in water pipes
Reduce management and maintenance cost by restoring heat efficiency
Keeps water pipes clean, drastically increases efficiency & prolongs their lifespan.
Supply clean water by killing and sterilizing bacteria such as E. coli
Prevents and kills Legionella pneumophila bacteria
Water softening effect
Better soap and detergent performance
Keeps clean shower heads, faucets, toilet tanks, dishwashers, and other appliances
Offer quality water(taste and feel) for hotel guests