Green houses, flower farms, other agriculture farms including hog, cattle and poultry farming
Farmers greatly rely on water to conduct their business. The quality of water on farm can have economic impacts for farmers through its effects on livestock, crop production, and the effectiveness of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
IOREX Solutions
IOREX forms ionized water consisting of a smaller number of water molecules and makes a gap between the molecules narrower than that of common water. Due to this, water passing through IOREX has more water permeability into cell tissues so it has various effects on nutrients to each of cell tissues effectively.
IOREX provides:
Easier water (nutritive elements) absorption by plants and animals
Increase growth rate and reduce farm related disease rate
Longer storage and transportation period possible for agriculture products
Increase feed rate due to better digestion and absorption
Strengthen disease resistance rate
Produce higher quality livestock by generating less toxic metal and other insoluble phosphoric acid in water
Reduce night-soil smell